Coffee Sketch Podcast

136 - Bonus Green Room Content!

Kurt Neiswender/Jamie Crawley Season 5 Episode 136

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Kurt Neiswender:

This will be fun. We excited. Hey, Jamie. Welcome to

Jamie Crawley:

live. Welcome to live in the green

Kurt Neiswender:

room in the green room I wish we could name these as space. Actually, you know, I can't hold on. Hold on. Hold on You entertain the guests

Jamie Crawley:

Hi, how are you doing

Kurt Neiswender:


Jamie Crawley:

they enter the room glad glad you Glad you were able to join us. I'm going to use that, that strange host voice. Yes. Yes. Oh, yes. Yes. Welcome. A lot of like one words and nodding your head and kind of careful, careful pauses. Ooh, yes.

Kurt Neiswender:

There we go. You got to point with the knuckles.

Jamie Crawley:

Oh, there's pointing.

Kurt Neiswender:

Sometimes. Right? Or you know, what's his name? I believe Alex Trebek used to use, you know, a pencil and like point, cause he'd tick off things on his... Yes. His notecards? Yeah, I remember he was a staple, it was a mandatory. It was mandatory every week, every day, in my house, growing up. Jeopardy

Jamie Crawley:

and Wheel of Fortune. Was that mom? Was that mom's thing? Dad. Dad, actually.

Kurt Neiswender:

He has, he sipped his Manhattan. Homemade Manhattans. My dad was probably a madman. Man.

Jamie Crawley:

Pointing at

Kurt Neiswender:

the screen. You know, no, not like a mad man. No, a mad men Gotcha, like the TV show mad men man Right man. Dapper. Cuz yeah, I mean, but you would if you think about the generation, you know, he was He was for sure mid century

Jamie Crawley:

Zoot suits and how do you spell zoot suit? You know, I have a spelling

Kurt Neiswender:

problem. It's a Z Zoot. O O T. Is it? Zoot. I think it's a Z

Jamie Crawley:

O O T. Z U I T?

Kurt Neiswender:

In my brain? Zoot. Zoot. Zoot. Zoot. Well, that would, that would look good on paper. Zoot.

Jamie Crawley:


Kurt Neiswender:

That's a very mid century... Mm hmm. Mid... Mid... Mid-century slash Pomo. Postmodern, I should say postmodern for those that are,

Jamie Crawley:

yeah.'cause when I think when you, I think when you go Pomo, people go fomo. And that's totally different. FOMO because Yeah, it's not, don't want, we don't wanna FOMO Pomo'cause that's okay. That's a good one. Pour yourself another

Kurt Neiswender:

Manhattan. I wish I'm not drinking Manhattan, but the Oh, you know what we should do. So for those that are watching live, we're going to do we're going to do a week. So Jamie lost power last week, so we need to record a bit of closure, which actually well, maybe we could just turn it into a, a warm what do you call it? It's a trailer for today because we'll, we're kind of following the ARC Inktober wrap up today. So, so how do we, how do we, we're doing like, we're doing like the, we're doing like the setup, set up, it's set up in the close, close

Jamie Crawley:

down, it's the close down. Hey, we're back. That was funny. And then we'll do, and then we'll do the setup.

Kurt Neiswender:

I don't really, yeah.

Jamie Crawley:

You don't know what I'm saying at all. You're just like,

Kurt Neiswender:

oh, damn it. I think I'll let you talk most of it. Because I mean, you

Jamie Crawley:

did lose the power. No, no, no, but you could do that whole like, Where'd Jamie go? You know, and then, and then, see, yes, there.

Kurt Neiswender:

We're in pretend, we're in pretend now.

Jamie Crawley:

Yeah, we're totally in pretend world. I mean, we're like, it's the magic of editing. This is all behind the scenes. We're in the green room, remember? We're behind

Kurt Neiswender:

the curtain. It says it down there. Right there. There. Oop. That. Yeah, get your angle, get your, get your mirroring right.

Jamie Crawley:


Kurt Neiswender:

side. Okay. Yeah, I got it. And we, that'll, we can work with that. So where did, so, all right, let me start over.

Jamie Crawley:

Yeah, it'd be like, hey, Kurt, can we go back to the beginning and, and let's. You know, let's just speed through these lightning round of part 2 of Arcingtober one more time. That was like the

Kurt Neiswender:

warm up. Remember when we used to do this? I was just gonna say, I'm a slow talker. My students watch me at 2x speed on the replay. And so I wish I could, I wish I had the ability to like, you know, pretend Speak like in fast forward, you know, like, you know, but I, I don't, I don't think it sounds good. I'm already a slow talker. It's almost sounding, would sound like normal speed. What I would consider fast for anyway. So we, we can't go back and redo part two, but we can. tIe, tie it in with a little bit of a summary today for, we're going to talk about a couple more sketches because Jamie had such a lucrative or prolific month of ARC Inktober sketches that we didn't want to leave some. Not lucrative. Prolific. Yes. Well, if anybody wants to buy one, they may be available. On the, on the merch page, but yeah, so today we're going to talk about

Jamie Crawley:

note to self, how do we do that? Okay. All right. Yes. Yeah. So part three, we're going to treat as the wrap up to Arcingtober. It could also be considered like the leftovers. But yeah, no, it was, it was, it was a fun, it was a fun exercise. As we mentioned, you know, earlier I got really close. Almost got all 31. I'm not even gonna do the 30 days thing. Has September, April, no.

Kurt Neiswender:


Jamie Crawley:

don't know it either, so. I always have to, I always have to like run that back in my head.

Kurt Neiswender:

Have you ever, have you ever seen people count using the knuckles thing? I don't know

Jamie Crawley:

how to do that either. I don't know how to do that one. I just, I just, I just do the phraseology

Kurt Neiswender:

thing. Like, somehow, like, the end of your hands, I don't, like, you know.

Jamie Crawley:

And then what if you're left handed?

Kurt Neiswender:

Well, you have, I mean, unless you're missing fingers, like, you're symmetrical.

Jamie Crawley:

Okay, this just went to a dark place.

Kurt Neiswender:

I, I think, I think, Oh! You know, my madman man dad was a lefty. Well, you're a lefty, too. I'm a lefty? My dad's a lefty? Saltaw? Really? Well, that's a rarity. I think I was supposed to be the lefty. His

Jamie Crawley:

sister was, his sister was a lefty? My grandmother was a lefty?

Kurt Neiswender:

Yeah. I feel like I was supposed to be. Left. I do some things left handed and you know, with twins, they often say one is a

Jamie Crawley:

Southpaw. Are you just going to blame it on Charlie?

Kurt Neiswender:

Is that what you're saying? I don't know. I don't, I don't, I'm not, I'm not throwing blame, you know, but my nephew, Hunter, Charlie's son is lefty.

Jamie Crawley:


Kurt Neiswender:

Strong. Yeah, it is. It was exciting when we found out, like when we start, you see. I mean, you're a dad, so you've seen, you see them, like, the kids, like, they start favoring or utilizing one hand more than the other. Early on, right? Like, at one, two years old. And you go, huh, I don't know, they're gonna be, you know, they, they do, like, The two, I mean, I'm not a dad, so I just watch my nephews and nieces, but you know, they'll grab at things with both hands, but then eventually one becomes the regular rotation and then the other becomes the secondary.

Jamie Crawley:

And, and I think we have talked about this before, but like yeah, that, that whole left handed world thing, like, you know, it is a very much right, right hand dominated world. And it's subtle, it's subtle things, like sometimes like when, like, like if you, Go to eat with me and there's several people like it's a say it's a large group or something like that. And so there's really like options to sit like, you know, and yes, there's maybe some people you want to sit near and then there's people you don't want to sit near. No, I'm just kidding. It's not that it's. Sometimes I feel more comfortable sitting in certain spots because I'm left handed. And it's just

Kurt Neiswender:

sort of like like on the end of the table, right? Yeah. I mean like Preferred aisles too because of that.

Jamie Crawley:

Yeah, you kind of you know, and you just don't make a big deal about it. It's like don't ever buy a left handed person left handed scissors because if they if they've been breathing and, like, awake, and have just got used to writing, yeah, and have had, you know, it, I mean, if they got to the first grade, and had been using scissors in kindergarten and first grade, even those terrible ones, remember those terrible ones, like, didn't really

Kurt Neiswender:

cut anything, they were, they were

Jamie Crawley:

ambidextrous though, well, and I am ambidextrous, so like, yeah. Like, I would just, I would, and the teachers, mom, my mom said, yeah, there was a, there was a lot of times in your elementary school where the teachers just were very frustrated with you because you would switch back and forth, like doing, like doing tasks and like, and I even, I can write with my right hand too, so but not as, not as well, obviously, but yeah, and so she made it clear to them He's left. We know he's left handed.

Kurt Neiswender:

Don't force him to do that. But not on opposite day.

Jamie Crawley:

Yeah, not on opposite day.

Kurt Neiswender:

This is probably one of the best outtakes or green rooms we've had. We're gonna have to make sure Kurt, Kurt, remember to clip the hell out of this part. Yes. Yeah,

Jamie Crawley:

we, we've got

Kurt Neiswender:

this, this is, this is good stuff. You know, I've, I've become, so the, the editing software I use, I'm able to search via text or like phrases like, yeah. So that's why I use certain text keys, you know, like the, Hey, Jamie. What, which has become like the standard, Hey, Jamie, you know, which is now going to be pop up what three or four times before the actual

Jamie Crawley:

official. Hey, Jamie. Cause you've just dumped it in here just a couple more times. So as, as, you know, as we're getting ready to go into episode one 35 here in a moment. wHile we're in the green room, do you want to tell the story of this phrase that you've decided to subtitle this episode?

Kurt Neiswender:

For the caption? Yeah. I suppose it's a green room story, and then it'll be another, it'll be, it'll be good for the clips.

Jamie Crawley:

So, I mean, especially since you actually found like a decent, I'm going to say, I'm going to go there. I'm going to say decent. Like, restream channel for our, our, our backing track.

Kurt Neiswender:

It's, it's, it's not bad, huh? It's

Jamie Crawley:

not bad. This isn't bad. This is like, yeah, it can go folks. It'll go, it can go sideways really quick.

Kurt Neiswender:

It's called future pop which it, it, at first didn't think, I didn't think it was going to be. You know, the go, the go. But it, it worked out. It's, it's actually kind of fun. It, it started out as a Super Nintendo game, so I think, yeah. Now we're evolved into,

Jamie Crawley:

We got to level two

Kurt Neiswender:

and it's okay now. Level two Yeah. We beat First Boss. Yeah. The well, anyway, so the

Jamie Crawley:

so, okay, so who would be the fi? Who would be the architecture final boss?

Kurt Neiswender:

Ooh. Has anybody ever done, you know, how they've done those Twitter? Twitter X meme things where like arch, architects as, what was it? What was the recent one? Like architects as cartoon characters or something? Don't you remember where they did

Jamie Crawley:

a string of. Like Simpsons characters, wasn't it? Maybe. Was there a Simpsons one? They

Kurt Neiswender:

should do Bosses, boss levels. Mm hmm. And I suppose you you got to pick a game of well, you know I don't know if Mario Brothers is a good comparison I mean everyone would know it but it almost would feel more like a Contra The battle is real Contra, you

Jamie Crawley:

know. Or like Mortal Kombat

Kurt Neiswender:

Oh yeah, I suppose that's more accurate. My students probably think the, the co teaching thing that we've got going on is probably like Mortal Kombat. They got, they got four, four bosses to, to fight every, every week. oH yeah, so this, this this title, subtitle of the show. So who's your, who's your final boss? Like who's the final boss? Oh, I moved on. Yeah. Yeah.

Jamie Crawley:

Yeah. Like, just throwin out there, we come back, this is, this

Kurt Neiswender:

is, this is you know. I feel like Rem Koolhaas would be scary.

Jamie Crawley:

He could

Kurt Neiswender:

be, couldn't he? But it would be like, up here, you know,

Jamie Crawley:

in the brain. Like, Rem could be like, like, you know in the Matrix when the architect shows up? Yeah. Like, like if you kind of like superimposed REM on that and then like, because

Kurt Neiswender:

I still don't understand

Jamie Crawley:

what the, and then I added an ounce of like Elon in there. Just to, just for like non sequitur stuff, For hair, too, right? Well, yeah, well, yeah, Rhyme's kind of balding. Yeah, yeah.

Kurt Neiswender:

Yeah, what about you? What the, what the, your, who's your top

Jamie Crawley:

boss? Well, I mean, like, I'm, I'm trying to think like, not from a scary point of view, but just be like, you know, the person who would just like Zaha would be an excellent, like she would be a total, like, she would be like, you're deep in the game, like, and then you get to Zaha and it's like, Oh shit. You know? Cause like, she's going to take no, there's no two shits about like, like she doesn't care. Like, where. What skills you've, you know, she's like, she's seen it. Like, you're gonna draw, she's gonna outdraw you. You know, you're gonna paint, she's gonna outpaint

Kurt Neiswender:

you. Like, like, Have you, have you ever known anybody that's worked in

Jamie Crawley:

her office? I've heard people who have said that they worked for her, and I've never had like that deep conversation that I want to have.

Kurt Neiswender:

I've, I've talked to a couple of people. And it sounds like what you're describing is what Could be, could be accurate. Could be accurate, yeah. So it's, it's like you know, Truth is stranger than

Jamie Crawley:

fiction. Now here's, here's a good one for ya. I don't know, like, how long we're staying in this green room. I know. But We gotta, we gotta move. Yeah, we gotta move. But I learned recently, And I'm doing, like, the Alex Trebek pointing thing, So I don't know where that came from. But, the I learned that Wolf Pricks, one of your, one of your, you know, has a, you have a soft spot, as I do, for, called Pilon Blau but I don't know him, you've met him but,

Kurt Neiswender:

Casually, yeah, Casually, yes, we breathe, breathe some of the same air

Jamie Crawley:

in the same room, Well, apparently, he's thinking about what happens to him when he's gone. So he is apparently programming an AI for what would wolf pricks do in this situation.

Kurt Neiswender:

I've seen some, some of their I follow their

Jamie Crawley:

Instagram. So, like, there, there's some, like, I don't, I'm not buying all that. Like, totally, I mean, I like it, but it also seems very, very... Like, I think you used the term navel gazing. I think it feels very navel gazing to me.

Kurt Neiswender:

Or could be lawnmower man, though.

Jamie Crawley:

Oh shit. Oh, there

Kurt Neiswender:

you go. I mean, I think that's, you know, the mindset. I would hope that's the mindset.

Jamie Crawley:

Or, or, or, like, That was a good movie. Yes. Oh. Wasn't that a Stephen King novel? That they turned into that?

Kurt Neiswender:

I think you're right. Maybe, maybe.

Jamie Crawley:

I think you're right. Like Max, like Max Headroom meets Lawnmower Man designing buildings and you're sort of Austrian. That'd be crazy. That would, like, that could be a mid level boss. That's like a mid level boss, cause that's just like, like you got like you feel like you're at the final boss you're not at the final boss, it's just cause there's a twist,

Kurt Neiswender:

there's a plot twist. We'll have to, we'll have to We'll have to keep keep on that thread. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, boss. Yeah, we're gonna yep. I don't know If you change the game a little bit it might not it probably is not

Jamie Crawley:

REM Where does on do fit in this

Kurt Neiswender:

Well, you know, he was a

Jamie Crawley:

boxer. I

Kurt Neiswender:

know So yeah, I mean he could kick your ass. I mean,

Jamie Crawley:

that would be great. You remember punch out Well,

Kurt Neiswender:

yeah, and he probably would be

Jamie Crawley:


Kurt Neiswender:

smaller guy. Yeah. Not the, not the Mike Tyson, not the Butterbean. Well, Butterbean was like, what, level two? Yeah. Yeah. Level one was the guy, the face man, right? The handsome dude. I never made it past Butterball, so I don't know. That's a, we should do it, it, it should all be punch out.

Jamie Crawley:

Totally. It's I think, I think it's a good,

Kurt Neiswender:

I think that's the one it's it's punch out. Moral comments. Good for like, say like our generation, I suppose, but punch out might capture even more, especially some of our

Jamie Crawley:

senior. Yeah. Yeah.

Kurt Neiswender:

Yeah. Oh, this, this is fun. We could totally almost, we could almost make this a whole episode on its own just for fun, but which maybe it's the Thanksgiving. I think that's what I'll do. I think this is, this is... Thanksgiving special.

Jamie Crawley:

Yeah. So we can, we sort of can take, you know, cause there are some moments there in the sketchbook, in the old sketchbook. Cause we do talk about sketches on this podcast. Yeah. We haven't yet, but we will, promise.

Kurt Neiswender:

Is that left hand or

Jamie Crawley:

right hand? That was left handed. Like my left hand doesn't do the thing quite as

Kurt Neiswender:

well as the right. Yeah, it's like a sort of a double double jinx or

Jamie Crawley:

whatever you do. I don't know. Yeah. Anyhow,

Kurt Neiswender:

So I forgot what were you saying, I mean you were talking about Sketches.

Jamie Crawley:

Oh, yeah, so Thanksgiving. So there are some sketches that I have that are of the Soccer match poster variety and so I can imagine Myself, maybe getting in like a holiday mindset where we, where we go to, like, if I sort of pull from punch out and kind of that genre. And I think, I think we could have a series here. I think so.

Kurt Neiswender:

Yeah, I like, I like it. I like this has been, it's been a lot of fun. All right. Well, we should, we're well warmed up. Let's go into a. The live, I gotta, I gotta get all the, the buttons ready. I am ready. So I'm ready. Alright, let's see you in the, in the 1 35.

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