Coffee Sketch Podcast

116 - Sketchy Experiments

April 21, 2023 Kurt Neiswender/Jamie Crawley Season 5 Episode 116

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Are you gonna roll the reel too? No.


don't tell me what to do. Jamie. Hello, Jamie. How are you? I'll, I'll be polite. Do my, I


know, I know, I know.


Too. Buttons, too many


buttons. That sun banter fiddling with your mic. This,


this, I, you know. It's a as I'm gonna out myself right now as being Mr. Cheapo. I don't think these are necessarily cheap headphones, headphone, mic, combo. Mm-hmm. But they were on Super sale and Kurt can't pass up a deal.



you're like, that's a really good price.


Yeah. Yeah, it was. But there are aspects that. I probably regret, and I'll leave it exact more sensitive mic. I know if I touch it, but see now it's not doing it. No, it's not. It


was so weird. It's just, it's just for the, it's for the, you know, you know, for the benefit of the, the pre listeners.


Right. Which, yeah, we didn't cover, cover that ground today, but Right, right. So I hope, well, actually, I don't know if you've paid attention, but that little clip that we, had fun with last week got like 320 well views pretty, pretty. Impressive. So


well, like I have been saying, let's cut some of this stuff up


and Yeah, that takes so much time. I'll get


there. Says, says the guy who's like, Hey Jamie, why don't you videotape yourself while you're sketching and then you. You know, start posting those and you wonder, and you wonder why it takes me so long. I'm


gonna, I'm gonna hit end stream on this


I'm gonna get outta here.


So anyway, you're right. I know. I'm gonna find the time. I'm gonna do Yeah, I, I do know, I mean, there's plenty of outtakes. The funny part there, there's


plenty of outtakes. That is the most truest statement of tonight. There's, because cause that is, that is, that is us like the, like outtakes. Like there's, we have so many missed laugh reels. It's not even funny.


Yeah. Yeah. If only there was a way I


mean, we came up with like two extra podcasts, like almost like what subreddits or something like that off of this, you know, this main so I mean


branches and spinoffs. Oh yeah, we're right there. Well, Do you, are we talking about a little coffee today? Or we wanna jump into some experimental, I


think we're just going right to the experiments. Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is gonna be a, it's gonna be a fast episode. We're gonna folks


almost like our speed lightning round kind episode, which needs to come back, which Jamie's been extra, extra pro prolific lately, and maybe that's what we do with the, the. The, the body of work in the past couple of weeks as we do lightning round and then we'll but do, maybe we'll do something different like mystery, lightning round, Jamie doesn't know what I'm gonna


pick like last from


the past. Might even mix in some, cuz Kurt's been playing with some birthday presents. Some drawing implements. Mm-hmm. and, might even be a few sketches of mine. So I


would love it. I mean, there was one sketch of yours that we were gonna do, in terms of sort of an installation, sort of skyscraper kind of Oh yeah. Like piece, yeah, yeah. Don't, don't, don't lose track of that one.


yeah. Oh, I thought you were trying to bury it.


No, no.


Okay. What kind of co-host are you? Yeah, a monster. All right. So, well anyway, so should we just, we can run it,


we can run it. Do you know your head, your, your headphones actually changed color, like Yes. And, and as, as you're doing that and you were like thinking like evil thoughts, like it was going. See now you're, see you're being nice now, so it's like, it's all, you're like, look at me, I'm smiling.


It's all blue. Yeah. Yeah. You know, you can't buy anything. Look, my mouse has got a light on it. I mean, you can't buy anything these days for a computer that doesn't have a freaking l e d on it. It's like


a mood ring. Everything's gotta be a mood


ring. It's, it's, you know, the gamers, I don't want to hate on the gamers, but you know, they, they like, they like that RGB red, green, blue for. Don't do acronyms. Well, I mean, you don't want, I don't wanna assume alphabet soup at all. Okay. But so let's, let's try this experiment. I'm gonna cue it up. It, it, it's not yet. Hit play. So, let's see. I gotta figure out how to make it as big as possible, which make, make us as small as possible. That's okay. That's not much bigger. that's, that's a little better. Yeah, that's better. Okay. So let me hit the play. So this is, as d Jamie was teasing, you know, yeah. It's, it's just no big deal. Just record while you're sketching. And, so he, he actually is doing it. He, we have a couple of these. And, I appreciate it, Jamie, and, and I know I'll let you tell us. For those that aren't Well, I'm going to say no, you're gonna say it right. there's music, it's not, there's


video. Yeah. So I, I, you know, So fun fact, Kurt, when he looks at an Instagram reel, like if you've said it to music, Kurt does not know that that little icon in the bottom right hand corner like is like turn up the volume. and


so I like, I like, I like the quiet, quiet time. Yeah.


He needs the quiet turn. so he, so he is watching Instagram reels while he is online with you in a Zoom meeting. faculty or you know, clients, cuz he's got the music turned off. but yeah, so I, I think in this particular case it was just, Kurt learned something new, which was awesome. but he also realized that. These new reels that I've been putting out, have some music, and I told them that there was a little bit of a theme to it. and I recently learned over the weekend, that Sound Garden and Chris Cornell's estate have, come to an agreement where, Soundgarden will be releasing seven unreleased tracks, with Chris Cornell as songwriter and lead singer. and so that's pretty awesome, for those of us who, sorely miss him, and the music. So yeah, that was exciting. So little bit of audio slave on this one. and then, which is a totally underrated band for those who don't have all the albums like myself, I have all of them. and then, sound Garden, on the next clip. but this one, this was, this one was super fun. I, it was, I found a good setup. so it was kind of good. And then this one, this is a blast from the past. A little throwback sketch. So this isn't a recent sketch or a recent video. and this one is this


one you, you've been holding out. I was holding


out. Yeah. I hold out on the videos. So this is, this is back when Jamie tried to hold the phone and videotape himself. So the, the reason why the, the video itself is kind of jerking around is because I'm holding the phone in my right hand and sketching with my left hand and trying to keep the paper, you know, from moving around too much.


Oh, I think you did a good job. I kind of like the shakiness too. You know? It's, it's,


it's got a, it's got a fun kind of like, Let's go back to the 1920s and, and watch Jamie's sketch quality


Is that Charlie


Chaplin? Yeah. Yeah. Let me fall down, you know, or,


what, who was the other, yeah, who was the other, Buster Keaton. Right, right. You know, we gonna take it way back. you know, the facade will fall down on the, on the pen. But no, the, these are fun and I can't, yeah, you've done, this is not the first one. It's kind of funny too, like if you don't know us too well, you might expect a different kind of song choice for these or a different genre of music. Right. and it's kind of fun cuz we've been teasing about the, this idea of, Let's see, what's the PC term of What we were describing off, off, off camera of, I guess. Not necessarily troublemaker, but a little starter.


yeah, like hot stir. Yeah. There's a little bit of like, like a, a fire starter kind of shit. Disturber. See? There you go.


I couldn't, you could, I was trying to do it without


the I know, I know. But you know, sometimes you just have to lean into it and, It's right there. Yeah. yeah.


So the music, you know, represents, a, a generation right. The, a


generation of, a little bit of a reverence. Yeah. and, but you know, I, I think that, you know, it, it, especially with this one, and this is, this is, like I said, this was one of the early experiments in me trying to videotape while I sketched. and it's, it's one of my favorite subjects. I have sketched. in before, in person. this is of course from a photograph, but, this is, Bini and Bernini, you know, one versus the other. So you have the, the, this is Piazza Navona. so you have the facade and then you have the, the statue and. the statue is kind of like right at the end of this sketch. You see the statue like put up his hand. Like, he's like, oh my gosh, I can't look at this terrible building. Mm-hmm. and, and you know, one architect, one sculptor, versus another, in the heart of Rome and it's, here, here it comes. Yeah. So see his hand up in the face and he is like, no, no, no. Your facade, just, it's such an affront to my sensibilities, ocular assault. Yes. And then, then a pan back out and it's like, wait a second. You know, but both of them are kind of wonderful, you know, in, in composition next to one another. and so yeah, as a, as a young architecture student, you know, being presented with this interesting history of, you know, two architects, two sculptors, amazing works of. You know, who were rivals of one another, and that there was this underlying story, this underlying history related to the space that we're in, you know? Hundreds of years later. it, it's, you know, some of those little, those nuggets are just sort of so compelling. And when you're in your formative design years and you're kind of being inundated with that kind of information, you know, yeah. You, you have a little bit of a reverence to the, to the whole process. you know, healthy questioning of. of, you know, directions, you know, techniques, concepts. and so this is one where, you know, this isn't, this isn't for the trads out there. this is you know, I mean, can you imagine like, you know, Bernini and like the trads would, the, the trads would probably like play the Instagram like reel and be like, Ooh, look at this sketch. It's so amazing. And then, and they would be like, Kurt, and they didn't realize there was a volume, you know? And they, and they, and then they click the volume and it's like, what?


right, right. It, it's one of those things that I do, I do know who is that They even have like a who, they have a, a like a little icon that people add to their reels that says Sound on. That's like ed educational. Like, yeah. Don't, don't be like, Kurt, turn the sound on. But the, This, this joke about the, the trads, but the, I was, oh man. Now I just forgot what I was gonna say. But is it a joke though?


Are the trads kind of a joke? I mean, shouldn't we all just have a little giggle about them?


Of course. Well,


I mean, cuz it's, well, it's, it's healthy cuz I think that there is, you know, I, I've seen a couple folks of, of late who, What's funny is like some of the trads will, you know, they will post amazing images of amazing sculpture, amazing art, amazing architecture, that is traditional, you know, it's classical, you know, it's, it's classical and oftentimes western. you know, you know, western foundational, you know, practice fine. But what I think is even better is the folks who go, yeah. But some of the statements you're making, do you realize like the real backstory behind that particular site, that particular building, that particular artist, you know, and, and in this case it would be the sort of, the same thing with this sketch is, you know, do you really know what the backstory is? Because that's, you know, that's sort of, you know, that's the fun part. Right,


right. And that, and that, that helps me. Remind me what I was gonna say. Speaking of there, I, I don't know if I've mentioned this in the, in the past or the recent past, but there's a fun, podcast called Art, art Holes. Have you heard? No, there's a, there's this guy, MI, Michael Anthony, I think is his name. He has a podcast that my wife found actually called, called Art Holes, and he, so he has no art history background, but he's kind of a, a curious researcher, so, He starts, he learned about a painting all started, I think in the pandemic. He learned about a painting and then started reading about the painting and then following that to the backstory. And like, you know, I think the first season he did, or the first series he did was, Picasso and then he did, Caravaggio and Jackson Pollock. And so all, all, all, all of them are, some, some, like, he, he, he hears of like a little bit of tragedy in their upbringing and all that stuff. And then the more he researches it, he, he's like, this couldn't. Get any worse. Like you couldn't write a reality that is more, disturbing as these backgrounds, like the deeper he digs, like the more he stress, you know, stresses out about like the,


the actual like, like the story that he's un, you know, slowly peeling the onion and


Yeah, and, and like you just, like you were saying, so it's, it's very interesting. It's, it's kind of fun. So if anybody hasn't. listen to it. you know, I, I've, I've gone through, he did a great series on Frida Kolo, which is, well,


it's funny said, cause that's what I was gonna say is like Fri Delo and Diego Rivera, I mean Yeah. Especially with you in Detroit. You know. Mm-hmm. or outside Detroit. Some of you know da Rivera's most.




Monumental, monumental work is in Detroit folks.


Yeah. The Dia Yeah. The Detroit Institute of Arts mural is, to the, what do they call it? The, like, oh shoot, you know, it's the industrialism. Homage or, you know, I can't remember what it's actually called, but you know, this, this fills the whole room of, you know, this, the, industrialist movement or, you know, the, the. The post-war moving on into, you know, machine making and cars and the auto industry, you know, and all this automation and stuff like that. It's, I mean, it's beautiful, but then you also learn about the person


Oh, well, right.


I mean, so yeah. anyway, yeah, so it's, it's kind of fun. We should maybe do a little, well, we should prepare a little bit more about


Yeah, we could, we could actually maybe Yeah. Come up with some notes, before an episode. And like Pseudos, we're not gonna, folks, we're never gonna script an episode. That's just not gonna happen but yeah, no, I mean, it, it's funny because very recently, and we can actually maybe pull up that sketch for a. Maybe, maybe for that story. but there's, I, I have a good, good friend, a former professor, who actually went, I did go to Italy with, so when I saw this building for the first time, he actually was my, my professor. but he's not teaching. He's teaching a little bit now more. He's more in practice. and he's doing some work in Mexico. And so, I had forgotten that he had an affiliation. Or an affinity, I should say, for, for Mexico and, and, Actually spends part of his, his year down there. some, I think more with his wife's family and and whatnot. But, he had this affiliation with this other architect who was absolutely fascinated with Mexican muralists and modern Mexican architects who had sort of born out of the tradition of the international style. And so this, you know, very white Anglo Prof, not, not my prof, but his buddy was just absolutely just like enamored with all this stuff and wanted to learn as much as he could about it and and devoted a lot of his research to it. Ended up coming to a and m at one point and teaching just for a very short period of time. but did some courses, some, seminars on his research, and it was, it was great. I mean, for me it was like, you know, oh, okay, so we're gonna talk about Mexican muralists and Mexican modern architecture at the same time in the same class. I'm like, yeah, sign me up. I mean,


yeah. I actually, on my own, after listening that whole, that whole series on Frida Kalo, I, I started trying to find, zoom around. Google Maps and try and find their house cuz he talks a lot about the house that they built and lived in. Cuz it is very in, international style, but with a a, a sort of southern, you know, southwest flair because of mason reconstruction and things like that. And so, but, lot of interesting experiment in. Stair bridging volume, you know, living and working spaces and things like that. Yeah. So, yeah. Anyway, yeah,


pantomiming for those who are listening, as Kurt's talking and describing their studio and house, which is quite famous and yeah. So yeah. So let's add that one to the list. Yeah. We should


add. That'd be a fun one. Oh, there's so much. I mean, he, there are books on the shelf. I've


got books I've got, we


can Oh, great. Show and tell. Yeah. So, so yeah. Yeah. Thanks for, the fun little chat. The, the keep making these videos. I know how easy they are, so, yeah,


exactly. Thanks. Cheers,

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